To reduce healing times for patients with leg ulcers, treatment decisions should consider relevant clinical evidence, health professionals’ experience and patient needs. The objective is to implement the right treatment, from the outset, to reduce the healing time. This will help improve the patient’s quality of life and reduce health professionals’ workload and healthcare costs.
International and local guidelines recommend the use of multi-component bandages as a firs-line treatment for venous leg ulcers⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾⁽³⁾⁽⁴⁾. A Cochrane systematic review identified strong evidence that compression therapy improves venous leg ulcers healing rates and that multi-component systems are more effective than single-layer systems⁽⁵⁾.
In addition to reducing venous hypertension, health professionals should aim to provide local treatments for the wound and surrounding skin that promote an optimal healing environment and thus reduce healing times like sucrose-octasulfate impregnated dressing⁽⁶⁾⁽⁷⁾.
DID YOU KNOW? - Compression therapy: indications & contraindications
Treatment indications and contraindications depending on ABPI results
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