
What is a diabetic foot ulcer?

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Diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetes is a serious, long-term condition that occurs when the body cannot produce any or enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.

Diabetes complications are divided into microvascular (damage to small blood vessels) and macrovascular (damage to larger blood vessels):

diabetes complications

The pathology of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is complex and multi-factorial. A patient with diabetes may develop a number of underlying comorbidities that lead to an "at-risk foot"


Every 20 seconds a limb is lost somewhere in the world as a consequence of diabetes⁽¹⁾.

  1. Whiting, D. R., Guariguata, L., Weil, C., andShaw, J.  “IDF Diabetes Atlas: GlobalEstimates of the Prevalence of Diabetes for 2011 and 2030.” DiabetesRes. Clin. Pract. 2011. 94 (3): 311-21.
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