Diabetic neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease are the main underlying causes of diabetic foot ulceration.
Diabetic neuropathy plays a central role in the occurrence of a DFU. This neuropathy leads to an insensitive and sometimes deformed foot, often causing an abnormal walking pattern. Peripheral neuropathy may predispose the foot to ulceration through its effects on the sensory, motor and autonomic nerves.:
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an important risk factor for impaired wound healing and lower extremity amputation. A minority of foot ulcers are purely ischaemic; these are usually painful and caused by minor trauma.
The majority of foot ulcers are neuro-ischaemic, I.e., caused by combined neuropathy and ischaemia. In these patients, symptoms may be absent because of the neuropathy, despite severe pedal ischaemia. Diabetic microangiopathy is not likely to be the primary cause of an ulcer or poor wound healing DFUs (IWGDF guidelines 2015).
Typical foot ulcer patient profile⁽²⁾:
Male rather than female. elderly, overweight, tobacco user, Alcohol user, lower socio-economic level, neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, other diabetes complications, commodities such as renal disease.
20.Armstrong, D. G., Cohen, K., Courric, S., Bharara, M., & Marston, W.(2011). Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Vascular Insufficiency: Our Population HasChanged, but Our Methods Have Not. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,5(6), 1591–1595.
1. WorldDiabetes Day 2015. Diabetes follow-up and burden of it’s severe complications,in France; BEH IVS N° 34-35 | 10 novembre 2015
2. BoultonAJ, Armstrong DG, Albert SF, et al. Comprehensive foot examinationand riskassessment. Diabetes Care 2008; 31: 1679-85.